Just don't overdo it, and don't waste precious index-add capital on indexes that deliver only marginal query performance benefits& you're looking for the big wins here. 但不要做得太过,不要在只提供微小查询性能好处的索引上浪费宝贵的索引添加资本&您在这里要寻找的是性能大赢家。
The marginal tax rate there is around 80 per cent, and in some cases the interaction of benefits is even more baffling. 这里的边际税率在80%左右,某些情况下,福利的相互作用甚至更难以理解。
Or, as a recent review States, "from a practical standpoint, the marginal benefits of reducing human exposure to pesticides in the diet through increased consumption of organic produce appear to be insignificant." 或者,如最近的一份评论所说,“从实用的角度来说,通过增加有机产品的消费来减少人们在饮食中接触农药所带来的边际效益显得微乎其微。”
At present, for most places, the marginal benefits of these fantastic feats of engineering, in terms of reduced journey times, are outweighed by the high costs. 当前,对于多数地区而言,这些非凡的工程壮举所带来的缩短旅行时间的边际效应,都及不上其本身高昂的成本。
The time and administrative costs involved in the legislative process may not be commensurate with the marginal "benefits" for the legally aided persons. 立法程序所需的时间及行政成本与法律援助受助人所得的边际“利益”可能不成正比。
Many other technical, agro-ecological, economic and institutional factors must also be in place before poor and marginal farmers can reap the potential benefits of GM crops. 要想让贫穷和边缘化的农民获得转基因作物的潜在收益,就必须让许多其他的技术的、农业生态的、经济的和制度的因素到位。
Some Gentoo users have come to a realisation that the time-consuming compiling of software packages brings only marginal speed and optimisation benefits. 有些Gentoo用户已经认识到耗时的编译一个软件程序包带来的只是边际效益的速度和优化。
To him, the marginal utility of adding one more animal always seems positive, since he receives all the sale proceeds or other benefits from the animal, while most of the added costs of overgrazing are borne by other herdsmen. 对一个放牧人来说,增加一头牧畜肯定能赢利,因为他可以得到所有的销售收益以及其他利润,然而过量放牧这种附加的代价却是由其他放牧人承担的。
Most participants judged the marginal costs of asset purchases as unlikely to be sufficient, relative to their marginal benefits, to justify ending the purchases now or relatively soon, say the minutes. 大多数与会者的判断是,相对于其边际效益,资产购买的边际成本不太可能在现在或相对较短时间内构成停止购买的充分理由,会议纪要显示。
Though pure marginal cost pricing method in economics can offer the useful economic information, the scale economic benefits of transmission network can ′ t make the transmission income based on marginal cost pricing satisfy the revenue reconciliation of transmission investment by far. 经济学上的纯粹的边际成本定价方法尽管可以提供有用的经济学信息,但是输电网的规模经济效益却使得依赖边际成本定价的输电收入远远不能满足输电投资成本的收支平衡。
The safety benefit is redefined, in which the safety value and analysis of marginal benefits are taken as the basis. Referring to realistic work safety, and by FTA method, the relationship between safety function and cost consumed is analyzed. 笔者给出了安全效益的新定义,以安全价值和边际效益分析为基础,结合企业安全生产实际,采用FTA法,分析安全所具有的功能与所耗成本的关系。
Relationship Between the Marginal Benefits and Marginal Costs for the Super Passenger Flow and the Responding Tactics 超大客流的边际效益和边际成本关系及应对策略
In dynamic game, each firm does its maximum feasible amount of earnings management in the subgame perfect Nash equilibrium in each period, and the marginal benefits of reporting higher earnings must equal to its marginal costs. 在动态博弈中,进行股权再融资的所有企业都实施最大可能的盈余管理构成子博弈纳什均衡,使虚增报告盈余的边际收益等于其边际成本。
Spot pricing reflects the marginal cost of electricity and no matter active spot price fluctuations or reactive spot price fluctuations will bring financial risks to users, so the relatively stable active and reactive spot price will bring relatively stable benefits for the users. 节点实时电价反映了电能的边际成本,有功实时电价或无功实时电价的波动都会给用户带来金融风险,只有相对稳定的有功及无功价格才会给用户带来相对稳定的收益。
This method keeps economic information in marginal cost method and benefits to make both ends meet. 该方法既保留了边际成本定价中的经济信息,又有利于电网的年收支平衡。
By using oilfield application examples, the methods for an effective development of improving production effect, enhancing oil recovery, and marginal oilfield development in China's offshore oilfields are introduced, its effect and economic benefits used in oilfield development by using stimulations are described. 通过油田应用实例,详细论述了中国近海油田改善开发效果、提高采收率及开发边际油田所采用的有效方法,阐述了各种有效增产措施所取得的具体油田开发效果和经济效益。
As a whole, when the cost is certain, the prerequisite of the maximization of benefits is to ensure that the marginal benefits of different groups and different educational stages are the same. 整体而言,在投资成本既定的情况下,实现收益最大化的前提条件在于不同人群、不同阶段教育的边际收益相等。
In the allocation of resources, the government provides new rural social endowment insurance. When the marginal cost equals marginal benefit of supply behavior, the economic and social benefits reach maximum of the new rural social endowment insurance. 在养老资源的配置上,政府供给新农保,供给行为的边际成本等于边际收益时,新农保的经济社会效益达到最大化。
With the increase of gypsum proportion, marginal benefits of desalination were not significant. 随着配比增加,盐碱土脱盐的边际效益增加量并不显著。
Those who take the lead in marginal behavior of the local governments tend to ge over the political rents and economic benefits. 那些率先采取边缘行为的地方政府往往获得超额的政治租金和经济收益。